Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Testimonial Video untuk arfadia - Portal Intranet

Testimonial Video untuk arfadia - Portal Intranet

Video testimoni dari Mahnessa Siregar ( Business Development Manager ) & Andri Halim ( IT Manager ).
PT. Arfadia bekerjasama dengan PT. Bumi Tangerang Cocoa ( BT Cocoa ) dalam membangun Portal Intranet

Portal Intranet Arfadia
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Arfadia - Web Design and Development Jakarta

Testimonial Video untuk arfadia - Website Design, Photography, Internet Marketing

Testimonial Video untuk arfadia - Website Design, Photography, Internet Marketing

Video testimoni dari Mahnessa Siregar ( Business Development Manager ) & Andri Halim ( IT Manager ). 
PT. Arfadia bekerjasama dengan PT. Bumi Tangerang Cocoa ( BT Cocoa ) dalam membangun Website 

BTCOCOA - Indonesian Cocoa Processing industry & Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Powder, chocolate processing machine, cocoa manufacturers, Industri pengolahan biji coklat.

Arfadia - Website Design Jakarta.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder

We provide an array of cocoa powders, enabling enhancement of flavor, color and texture of products. With our state of the art technology we are able to create natural to alkalized powders, low to high-fat varieties as well as an array of different colors. Our research and development team works closely with clients to ensure product satisfaction and customized solutions.

Cocoa powder are used in beverages, cereals, snacks, dairy products, ice cream, baked goods, confectionery, as well as other dry mixes.


Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is the fat of the cocoa bean, extracted by hydraulic pressure from the cocoa mass. It is a Pure Prime Pressure (PPP) butter, thus maintaining all its crystallization properties and the natural low fatty acid content of selected cocoa beans.

Divided by process:
  • PPP Natural Cocoa Butter
  • PPP Deodorized cocoa butter: This product is fully deodorized so it will not affect the color and flavor of your cocoa liquor but simply provide your chocolate with the best possible texture.


Industri Pengolahan Kakao dan Biji Cokelat

Industri Pengolahan Kakao dan Biji Cokelat

Kakao merupakan tanaman berupa pohon yang dikenal di Indonesia sejak tahun 1560, namun baru menjadi komoditas yang penting sejak tahun 1951. Pemerintah Indonesia mulai mendukung industri kakao pada tahun 1975. Tanaman ini termasuk jenis tropis tahunan yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan.

Dahulu kala Penduduk Maya dan Aztec di Amerika Selatan dipercaya sebagai perintis pengguna kakao dalam makanan dan minuman. Sampai pertengahan abad ke XVI, selain bangsa di Amerika Selatan, hanya bangsa Spanyol yang mengenal tanaman kakao. Dari Amerika Selatan tanaman ini menyebar ke Amerika Utara,Afrika dan Asia.
Cokelat adalah bahan utama dalam berbagai jenis makanan seperti susu-kocok, permen, kue dan sereal. Meskipun cokelat sangat populer, tetapi kebanyakan orang tidak tahu asal-usul pembuatan cokat yang unik dan populer. Memproduksi cokelat sangat rumit prosesnya. Pertama adalah memilih kokoa yang sudah dipanen, penyulingan kokoa menjadi biji kakao, dan pengiriman biji kakao ke pabrik untuk dibersihkan dan penghalusan. Biji kakao tersebut kemudian akan diimpor atau diekspor ke negara-negara lain dan diubah menjadi berbagai jenis produk makanan cokelat.


Indonesia Cocoa Processing Industry and Chocolate

Indonesia Cocoa Processing Industry and Chocolate

Cacao tree is a plant that well known in Indonesia since 1560, but became an important commodity since 1951. Since The Indonesia government began to support the cocoa industry in 1975 . These plants include annual tropical kind that comes from South America.

The Mayan and Aztec in South America believed to be the pioneer user of cocoa in food and beverages. Until the middle of the sixteenth century, in addition to the nation in South America , only the Spaniards who know the cocoa plant . From South America the plant is spread to North America, Africa and Asia .
Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods such as milk shakes, candy bars, cookies and cereals. Despite its popularity, most people do not know the unique origins of this popular treat. Chocolate is a product that requires complex procedures to produce. The process involves harvesting coca, refining coca to cocoa beans, and shipping the cocoa beans to the manufacturing factory for cleaning, coaching and grinding. These cocoa beans will then be imported or exported to other countries and be transformed into different type of chocolate products.

1.1 Foto Tanaman Cocoa yang siap di petik buahnya